EMSB refresher course

Stay up-to-date with the basic principles and new insights regadring EMSB.

This EMSB Online Refresher Course is based on the EMSB Reader and contains e-modules on different topics including case studies and practical examples. The online course is composed of eight e-modules that focus on different topics in burn care. Each module takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete, with the total couse lasting around 3 hours. The modules cover burn wound assessment, inhalation injuries, TBSA and fluids, escharotomy, pediatric burn injuries, chemical burn injuries, electrical burn injuries and patient transfer.

You can complete the course and the e-modules at your own pace. You can return at any moment and continue where you left off, on any device. After completing the course you can return to it to refresh your active knowledge about EMSB!

You will receive an email invitation at the email address you provided. This invitation comes from the educational application Carbon by Cradeq and is intended for access to emsb.nl. After setting your password, you can log in to emsb.nl and start the EMSB Refresher Course.

Personal information form

If you have not received the email within 36 hours, please check your spam folder. For further questions, you can contact us via emsb@brandwondenstichting.nl.

Good luck!